“根植中国、胜任全球、博爱世界”| 杭州鼎文学校2024学年秋季开学典礼






As we usher in a brand new school year heralded by a beautiful autumn, our teachers and students of Dingwen Academy, Hangzhou, are full of expectations and excitement. Dingwen Academy, Hangzhou, held a grand opening ceremony to embrace this new beginning on September 9.


踏浪前行风正劲 少年不负韶华时


杭州鼎文学校理事长Flora Wan

“要做最好的自己,要追寻你们的梦想,发现你们的热爱,因为梦想犹如一盏明灯,照亮我们前行的路,梦想犹如一股力量,会激发我们勇往直前。”杭州鼎文学校理事长Flora Wan深情勉励现场全校师生们,并对新学期提出新的期许,“在未知的路上,我们可能会遇到挫折,碰到困惑,甚至经历失败,然而正是这些磨砺,让我们不断的成长,成为那个更好的自己,请记住,每次努力,都是积累,每一次挫折,都是磨练”。


"Be the best you can be. Follow your dreams and find your passions because dreams are like a beacon that lights our way and a force that inspires us to move forward." Flora Wan, the president of Dingwen Academy in Hangzhou, duly encouraged the whole school and set new expectations for the new semester: "On the road to the future, we may encounter setbacks, confusion, and even experience failure, but it's through these challenges that we continue to grow and become a better self. Please remember, every effort is an accumulation, and every setback is an opportunity for growth."


杭州鼎文学校外方校长Alan Wilkinson

杭州鼎文学校外方校长Alan Wilkinson给新学期的学生们带来了精彩的“鼎文第一课”,他表示:“ 新学期代表着一个新的开始,它为我们提供了一个新的机会,让我们向不同的方向冒险,拥抱周围的变化。如果学校是一项运动,它不会是一个快速冲刺,而是一个漫长的马拉松,最长的比赛。这是一场赛跑,你需要在漫长的距离中调整自己的节奏,才能赢得胜利。”


Alan Wilkinson, the international principal of Dingwen Academy, brought the students the profound "Opening Lesson". He emphasized that new beginnings offer us a fresh chance to venture in a different direction and embrace change. He likened school to a marathon, not a sprint, where pacing oneself over a tremendous distance is crucial. It's about being resilient and patient, understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and becoming more confident and self-assured.






Dingwen School's use of Kunpeng as its mascot represents the school's earnest expectations and heartfelt blessings for its students. At the ceremony, the principals of each department jointly presented the cheeky Dingwen mascot, Kunpeng, to 20 student representatives, hoping that every Dingwen student can exemplify the school's fundamental vision "Rooted in China, Globally Competent, Universally Compassionate" .






Speaking on behalf of the teachers, Primary School Chinese teacher Scott Liu said, "The Dingwen campus is not only a place to learn knowledge but also a big family to understand and experience different cultures, which will help you broaden your horizons and cultivate an inclusive mind."

The student representatives from the primary, middle, and high schools respectively spoke to thank all the faculty and staff of Dingwen. The primary school student representative said, "In this hopeful moment, we will cherish the time and seize every day." The representative of the junior school opined, "We must have the ability and mindset to be competent for the world, to study hard, love the world, and have responsibility and accountability." Our high school student said, "Regardless of success or setbacks, it will become the wealth of growth. This will be our hearts once again set sail, and we will also have the hope of new goals."



The opening ceremony also included a special ritual prepared in advance. It was full of reasonable expectations from the whole school, teachers, and students of the new semester. A wish box was put on the stage; it had the students to the teacher, the students, the school, their aspirations, and the teachers to the students' true feelings. The host teachers and students also randomly selected greeting cards and read the blessing messages between teachers and students to each other on the spot.


春华秋实又一载 开学奋进续华章





On the first day of the new semester, the students stood neatly on the football field like a thriving sapling. The national flag rises in the morning wind; the solemn national anthem echoes over the campus, all teachers and students with reverence, eyes following the bright red flag; this moment is not only a profound tribute to the country but also the beginning of the new semester's hope.

杭州鼎文学校教育研究院院长Jennifer Pun

杭州鼎文学校教育研究院院长Jennifer Pun作为教师代表,发出新学期的寄语。她表示,要胜任全球,就要培养自己的全球胜任力,它包括四个方面的能力——国际理解和全球视野、语言能力和跨文化交流能力、问题解决和创意思维能力、领导力和团队合作能力,并希望鼎文的师生在学习过程中能够持续培养全球胜任力,做一个能胜任全球的从中国走向世界的新力量。


Jennifer Pun, Dean of the Education Research Institute of Dingwen Academy, Hangzhou, sent a message about the new semester as a pivotal representative of teachers. She said that to be competent globally, it is necessary to cultivate global competency, which includes four aspects of ability - international understanding and global vision, language ability and cross-cultural communication ability, problem-solving and creative thinking ability, leadership and teamwork ability and trusts that the teachers and students of Dingwen robustly cultivate global competency in the learning process.






Three students from primary, middle and high schools delivered a speech under the shade of our national flag. The first said that in the new era, we should embrace knowledge with an open mind, solve problems with innovative thinking, and let "Chinese wisdom" be a significant concept on the global stage.

The second student stated that we can fully prepare ourselves for the challenges of globalization in the future by developing an international perspective, improving cross-cultural communication skills, learning a broad knowledge base and embracing change.

Our third student opined that In this new semester, we Dingwen students work hard and progress together, achieve excellent results, in the name of the motherland.



The opening ceremony of Dingwen Academy, Hangzhou, concluded with the warm applause of all attendees. The new semester, a new beginning, has brought challenges but also nurtured expectations and hopes. Let us carry the dream of youth, hand in hand, hard work, and gather the strength to forge ahead! We wish Dingwen Academy, Hangzhou, a better tomorrow! We are confident Dingwen students will progress and grow every day!


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