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护城河水上运动中心 Moat River Sports Center

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河道600米长,45米宽,两边绿树成荫,学校计划在这里开设皮划艇等水上运动课程。 The 600-meter-long, 45-meter-wide river is lined with trees, and the school plans to offer kayaking and other water sports classes here.

幼儿园 Dingwen Kindergarten (teaching building)

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占地4000平方米左右,共有三层,建筑面积为10000平方米左右,除了标准教室和图书馆外,还会设置专门的舞蹈、厨艺、陶艺、建构、科学等特色课程教室。 Covering an area of about 4,000 square meters, there are three floors with a building area of about 10,000 square meters. In addition to standard classrooms and libraries, there will also be specialized classrooms for dance, cooking, pottery, construction, science and other special courses.

鼎文幼儿园(大厅) Dingwen Kindergarten (Hall)

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大厅的顶部,有三个巨型圆形玻璃穹顶,能给孩子带来更多的阳光照射。将近1000平方米的活动空间,即便是高温或者阴雨天气下,也能保证孩子们充足的运动,不耽误各类表演和活动的举办。 At the top of the hall, there are three large circular glass domes, which can bring more sunlight to the children. Nearly 1000 square meters of activity space, even in high temperature or rainy weather, can ensure that children have enough exercise, not to delay the holding of various performances and activities.

绿色生态农场 Green ecological farm

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给学⽣提供上劳动教育课的场地。 Provide space for students to have labor education classes.

高尔夫球场 Dingwen School Mini Golf Course

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高尔夫是一项世界性的社交型运动,高尔夫课程可以引导孩子,打好这项运动的基础。 Golf is a worldwide social sport, and golf courses can guide children and lay a good foundation for the sport.

学校南侧林荫大道 The avenue on the south side of the school

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可连接学校内部道路形成环路,不再有其他非接送车辆打扰,方便家长出入,保证学生安全。 It can be connected to the internal road of the school to form a loop, no longer disturbed by other non-pick-up vehicles, convenient for parents to enter and exit, and ensure the safety of students.

国际交流中心 Dingwen School International Exchange Center

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建筑面积20000平方米左右,共有15层。未来计划承接国际考试、大型学术会议、国际比赛等。 The building area is about 20,000 square meters, with a total of 15 floors. In the future, we plan to undertake international examinations, large academic conferences, and international competitions.

教师公寓 Dingwen School teacher's apartment

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共有19层,配置酒店式公寓230余套,分为三室两厅和两室两厅,并配备全套家电。 The building area is about 20,000 square meters, a total of 19 floors, equipped with more than 230 standard teacher apartments, divided into one room, one hall, two rooms, one hall and three rooms, one hall, and equipped with a full set of household appliances.

宿舍 dormitory

餐厅 Dingwen school complex building (restaurant part)

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餐厅位于综合楼的中心处,设计为两层,提供种类丰富的餐品,且与教学楼、学生公寓有通道相连,方便师生前往。 Located in the center of the complex building, the restaurant is designed for two floors, offering a wide variety of food, and is connected with the teaching building and student apartments, which is convenient for teachers and students to go to.

综合楼 Dingwen School Complex

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含有演艺厅、图书馆、黑盒剧场设施。 There are performing arts hall, library, black box theater facilities.

综合楼 Dingwen School Complex

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含有游泳馆、壁球馆、篮球馆设施。 Contains swimming pool, squash hall, basketball hall facilities.

室外网球场 Outdoor tennis court

操场 Dingwen School Complex

室外篮球场 Dingwen School Complex

学校正门 South Gate of Dingwen School

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离城市高架路最近的大门,停车后可直接进入学校综合楼大厅。 The closest gate to the city viaduct, you can directly enter the school complex hall after parking.

教学楼(小学部) Building (Primary)

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距离综合门大厅最近,方便小学生到校后直接去教室。除了配备标准教室外,还配备了专门的图书馆、书法教室、艺术教室等。 It is close to the comprehensive gate hall, which is convenient for primary school students to go directly to the classroom after arriving at school. In addition to the standard classrooms, it is also equipped with a special library, calligraphy classrooms, art classrooms, etc.

教学楼(中学部) Teaching building (Middle)

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距离图书馆、功能教室和校园大草坪位置最近,方便初中生进行各类素质拓展课程,展开更多的交流。 It is close to the library, functional classrooms and campus lawn, which is convenient for junior high school students to carry out various quality development courses and carry out more communication.



















