鼎文,我来了 | 杭州鼎文学校“桥梁营”Bridging Camp完美结营!

8月25日—8月29日,杭州鼎文学校小学部、初中部以及高中部的学生们纷纷进入校园,共同参与了一场特殊的学习和生活体验——桥梁营(Bridging Camp)!


在鼎文的办学初心中,“培养学生强大的适应能力,培养学生预见问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力,期许他们如同翱翔的雄鹰,勇敢地迎接每一个人生挑战”,是非常重要的一条信念和准则。因此,在今年新生步入新课堂之前,鼎文学校特意安排了一堂堂生动的“桥梁营”Bridging Camp系列课程,让新生们可以渐进式地了解和融入鼎文,并迅速调整状态,在正式开学之后全身心的投入新学校、新学年、新课程,实现主动学习、爱上学习以及创新学习!


From August 25 to August 29, students from the elementary, middle and high school departments participated in Dingwen's unique learning and life experience - our very special Bridging Camp!

Dingwen's mission has been to "Foster students' strong adaptability, develop their problem-solving skills, and encourage them to confidently face any challenges in life." This belief and principle inspired Dingwen School to organize a series of Bridging Camp courses for our new students before they begin the formal academic year.



在开营第一天,鼎文小学部以“我上一年级了”、“我的教室我做主”、“We Are Family”等主题班会的形式引导学生们主动分享自己的想法和经历,增进彼此之间的友谊,并了解新学期的学习目标和要求。在日常教学中,小学部的课程采用中国国家课程(CNC)标准,借鉴国际小学课程(IPC)及IB-PYP课程的精髓,以学生为中心,在学科素养、教学目标及学科内容等方面,注重夯实学生各学科的基础知识并帮助他们进行多学科深度探究及跨学科学习,采用形成性评价与总结性评价相结合的多元化评估方法。



On the first day of the camp, the Primary School staff guided students to actively share their ideas and experiences through themed class meetings, enhancing mutual understanding and friendship and appreciating the learning goals and requirements of the coming semester. Our Primary School curriculum adopts the Chinese National Curriculum (CNC) standards, drawing on the essence of the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) and IB-PYP curriculum. As a student-centred establishment, we focus on consolidating students' basic knowledge across varied disciplines and helping them become fulfilled and autonomous learners.




The Middle School focuses on providing innovative and rigorous bilingual academic programs to create an inclusive learning and exploration space for students. Middle School staff used innovative "ice-breaking games," allowing relations to blossom rapidly. The Junior High School curriculum closely combines China's compulsory education syllabus with advanced international education elements, fully respecting that every student is an individual. It also focuses on cultivating students' creative thinking and pragmatism.




The High School is dedicated to providing students with a challenging and diverse curriculum. IGCSE forms the foundation of international high school courses and ensures students' academic development from junior high school to senior high school. Students can tailor their learning path based on their interests, university goals, and future career plans. They must not only master the core knowledge and skills of the High School curriculum but also demonstrate their abilities on the international stage. To prepare students for the academic challenges, the high school has implemented an "immersive classroom experience" from the first day of the camp, which will continue when the academic year officially begins.



ECA/CCA课程是鼎文强大办学实力的组成之一,开设课程总数超过60门。学生不仅可以选择击剑、网球、游泳、武术等特色体育课程,音乐、戏剧、舞蹈等艺术课程,还可以选择机器人编程等特色课程。为了让学生可以近距离了解ECA/CCA课程,便于后期网上选课,本次“桥梁营”Bridging Camp不仅在每天、每个年级都安排了体验课,也在8月29日下午安排现场展示咨询区,一次性展示几乎所有ECA/CCA课程,让学生和家长全面了解课程细节。



In addition to implementing the core curriculum, the school will assist students in exploring their potential and developing interests through various high-quality developmental activities and boarding life. This will help improve students' collaborative abilities and lay a solid foundation for their future studies and lives.

ECA/CCA courses are an integral part of Dingwen's school curriculum. Students have so many options, including fencing, tennis, swimming, martial arts, music, drama, dance, and even robot programming. There are more than 60 courses available! To help students become more familiar with the content of the courses and make it easier for them to choose, the Bridging Camp integrated 'tasters' of the various activities. Daily experience classes for each grade and an on-site exhibition and consultation area on August 29 have ensured the children's familiarity with both CCA and ECA opportunities.

鼎文学校采用书院制管理模式,融合英美寄宿管理精华,配备专业学术老师和行政支持老师共同带领学生探索晚间寄宿生活,为学生提供全面的晚间能力提升计划(Evening Programs),在“桥梁营”Bridging Camp过程中,也安排了部分学术提升和拓展活动,充分利用场地和资源优势,全方位培养学生的兴趣爱好,并引导提升。


Dingwen has adopted a college management model that integrates the best practices of British and American boarding dormitory management. The school provides teachers professional academic and administrative support to help students navigate boarding life and improve their academic abilities. The Bridging Camp included activities to enhance students' academic skills and development. The school maximizes its facilities and resources to nurture students' interests and guide them toward improvement across many areas.




Dingwen Academy, nestled in the heart of beautiful Hangzhou, is a bilingual international school that offers a complete educational journey from kindergarten to upper secondary. We prioritize a student-centred approach, blending the best of Chinese and Western educational philosophies. Our dynamic environment integrates diverse educational models and paves the way for multiple paths to higher education. Our dedicated staff and vibrant students form an exceptional learning community.


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