



Under the broad sky of education, there is a unique fertile ground that nurtures the seeds of wisdom and dreams - Dingwen Academy Hangzhou. At Dingwen, it is not just a temple of knowledge, but also a stage where global educational elites gather.

Over 100 outstanding educators from more than 10 countries and regions, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Singapore, Russia, Serbia, South Africa ...... and China's Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, gather here at Dingwen to weave a wonderful picture of education.

From the rigorous logic of mathematics to the romantic feelings of literature, from the spirit of scientific exploration to the infinite imagination of art, their professional fields cover every corner of Dingwen. They, with their infinite love for education, cross mountains and seas and gather at Dingwen to build a vibrant, inclusive and innovative educational community. Leading with wisdom, Dingwen teachers are dedicated to opening the door to the children's future together with their passion and inspirations for education.



Aaron Clegg


硕士毕业于英国曼彻斯特大学,拥有10 年教学经验,曾任职于杭州某知名国际学校,并担任年级组长,拥有iPGCE证书。在曼彻斯特大学攻读本硕期间,他在英格兰最大的公益辅导团体工作,为大曼城的贫困学生提供英语、数学和科学辅导。 他相信教师最重要的工作是与学生建立积极的关系,并营造安全的空间,允许学生犯错,并成长为大人。



Teachers' bio

Aaron James Clegg

English Teacher

Aaron graduated from the University of Manchester with a Master's Degree and has 10 years of teaching experience. He worked at a famous international school in Hangzhou and was the head of the year group; he holds an iPGCE certificate. During his studies at the University of Manchester, he worked for the largest charity tutoring group in England, providing English, Maths and Science tutoring to underprivileged students in Greater Manchester.

Hobbies and Interests: Science Fiction Novels, Films, Video Games, Football

Education motto: Focus on getting a little better each day.


袁逢 Feng Yuan





袁逢 Feng Yuan

Chinese Teacher

Mr. Yuan graduated from the College of Arts, Shanghai University with a PhD, and was the head of the humanities department at a well-known international school in Shanghai, where many of his students were admitted to prestigious schools in the UK and the US. He has been teaching for more than twenty years and is committed to making students learn to think in his language classes.

Hobbies and Interests: Basketball

Education motto: He believes that teaching logic is the fundamental element of all types of teaching.


Omosefe Okungbowa


毕业于英国牛津布鲁克斯大学,持有英国中学科学教师资格证书,拥有超过 13 年的教学经验。她在英国开始她的教学生涯,曾在广州、深圳等城市的国际学校担任科学学科带头人以及牛津剑桥生物专业申请导师。



Omosefe Okungbowa

Biology Teacher

Graduated from Oxford Brooks University, Bsc Human Biology, Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) Secondary Education Science, Omosefe has over 13 years of teaching experience; she started her career in the UK as a science teacher specialising in A level Biology for students aiming for biomedical science at UK universities.

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, travelling, learning, linking classical music to the movement of life.

Education motto: My teaching style is not just exam success but more student centred, which encourages students to be curious independent thinkers.


刘圣武 Scott Liu





刘圣武 Scott Liu

Chinese Teacher

Graduated from the University of the Basque Country in Spain with a Master's degree, Mr. Liu is fluent in English and Spanish, and his research focuses on language acquisition in multilingual environments, especially on motivational research for Chinese language learning. As the leading Chinese teacher, he used to teach in a famous bilingual school in Shanghai for six years; and acted as the head of upper grade teaching staff.

Hobbies and Interests:Music, traveling...

Education motto: Persist in educating with patience, love, and craftsmanship.


Seydi BA


硕士毕业于法国南特高等商学院,体育管理专业。拥有超过 10 年教学经验,曾带领球队在全中国美式橄榄球锦标赛中获得全国亚军和分区冠军,中国政府已为其颁发“中国绿卡”。



Seydi Yougo BA

PE Teacher

Mr. Seydi holds a Bachelor degree in Sports Management from Rennes 2 Haute-Bretagne University and a MBA in Management of Sports Organizations from Audencia Nantes Business School. He has more than 10 years of teaching experiecne and holds certificates in Flag and Tackle American Football from the French American Football Federation/IFAF, Hanghzou Rugby Association, Shanghai Rugby and American Football Association and USA Football.

Hobbies and Interests:Sports, Art, Reading...

Education motto:With an open mind, you can learn anything!


郁艳秋 Esther Yu


毕业于香港教育大学,曾任IB 学院创始院⻓、剑桥部负责人和PYP协调员,持有IB领导力高级证书。熟悉剑桥课程体系和国家课程体系,有丰富的英语教学经验和项目学习课程实施经验。曾多次获班主任基本功大赛一等奖、学科基本功大赛A等、STEAM优秀案例等荣誉。教学基本功扎实,教学成绩突出,深受家⻓和学生好评。曾多次指导学生用英文演绎中国经典故事,通过多样化的学习形式,提升学生英文水平和综合素养。



郁艳秋 Esther Yu

English Teacher

With a Master's in Education from the Education University of Hong Kong, Esther specializes in the innovative integration of the Cambridge and national curricula with the IB PYP. As the founder of an IB Academy and the head of the Cambridge department, she holds a unique qualification in psychological health education. This background fosters a supportive and engaging learning environment, earning her accolades and the respect of parents and students.

Hobbies and Interests:History, Drama, Badminton

Education motto:The purpose of education is to have a happy and complete life.


Yaroslav Artsishevskiy


曾为上海和杭州多所知名国际学校、国际幼儿园及教育集团设计和研发STEAM相关课程。在指导3-12岁幼儿及儿童科学学习方面有丰富的经验。他开发的创客空间式课程能提高学生的批判性思维能力和创新自信心。此外,还撰写并出版了一本为中国青少年学习者量身定制 STEAM 教育实践的书籍并分享了一些创新方法,让科学教育影响儿童,并让他们感到快乐。



Yaroslav Artsishevskiy

Design & Technology Teacher

Mr. Yaro has designed and developed STEAM-related programs for many well-known international schools, kindergartens and education groups in Shanghai and Hangzhou. He has extensive experience in guiding science learning for toddlers and children aged 3-12. In addition, he has written and published a book on customized STEAM education practices for young Chinese learners and shared innovative ways to make science education impactful and enjoyable for children.

Hobbies and Interests:Interpersonal communication, Public speaking, Sport...

Education motto: Developing critical thinking and creativity through hands-on, AI-enhanced learning experiences for young students.


尹志勇 Dada Yin






尹志勇 Dada Yin

Math Teacher

Head of Math Department for Primary

With over 20 years of teaching experience, Dada is a quite experienced teacher from Beijing. Prior to Dingwen, he was the leading teacher in the education system of Beijing Chaoyang District, a member of "Gao Ping's Studio", and a core member of the national project called "Exploration of Ecological Structure Teaching in Primary Mathematics". He has worked in different types of schools, including public system and private schools.

Hobbies and Interests:Dada enjoys driving, traveling and PingPong...

Education motto:Promoting individuality, spreading happiness, and nurturing growth together.


原淑婧 Danning Yuan





原淑婧 Danning Yuan

English Teacher

Prior to Dingwen, Danning has worked at some renowned international schools in the UK, Singapore, and Hangzhou. She holds a Master's degree in Linguistics and Language Teaching from the University of Leeds, UK and has extensive teaching experience across all educational stages, previously served as a head and Coordinator of the Pastoral System School. Danning specializes in Cambridge system and original reading instruction, with a deep focus on developing students' language, thinking, and cultural skills.

Hobbies and Interests: Badminton, Music, and Reading

Education motto: Explore more innovative educational models and discover and support students' deep learning


Marija Nikolic





Marija Nikolic

Arts Teacher

Ms. Marija is graduated from The University of Arts in Belgrade, BFA & MFA. She is an independent artist in Serbia and a Member of ULUS, Association of Fine Artists in Serbia. She has more than 10 years experience in teaching arts. She used to have 3 solo shows and over 30 group exhibitions.

Hobbies and Interests: Singing, ecology, music, movies, martial arts

Education motto: Teaching students to acquire necessary knowledge about the world and future aspirations through play and the use of all senses.


何学东 David He


本科毕业于浙江大学数学系,新加坡留学,获硕士学位。持高中数学教师资格证书,曾在上海头部国际学校担任A-Level数学教师工作,教学成绩突出,并且指导学生数学竞赛,多位学生在AMC, UKMT, Canadian Mathematics Contests 等数学竞赛中获得奖项。何老师喜欢和学生相处,持有家庭教育指导师证书,且有班主任工作经历,在与学生沟通互动中,能够做到尊重学生与严格要求学生相结合,受到学生喜爱和家长信任。



何学东老师 David He

Math Teacher

Mr. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Zhejiang University and a Master's degree in Singapore. He also holds a high school mathematics teacher qualification certificate and a family education mentor certificate. Prior to Dingwen, he worked as a mathematics and homeroom teacher in a bilingual school in Shanghai. Then, he moved on and worked as an A-Level mathematics teacher at another Tier 1 international school in Shanghai, recognized for his outstanding teaching achievements. He is good at training students in math competitions, some students have won awards in math competitions such as AMC, UKMT, and Canadian Mathematics Contests.

Hobbies and Interests: Badminton, swimming, reading and traveling

Education motto: He believes that education is the influence of life on life, based on love, guiding students to think independently, and helping them develop their outlook on life and values.


张文淞 Wensong Zhang


浙江大学理学硕士,曾被评为英国化学奥林竞赛UKChO“杰出教练”(学生连年获得全球金奖), 加拿大化学奥林匹克竞赛CCO(高级)“杰出教练”,加拿大化学奥林匹克竞赛CCC(中级)“杰出教练”(学生连年获得全球杰出奖), 剑桥化学挑战赛C3L6“杰出教练”,澳大利亚科学奥林匹克竞赛ASOC“化学杰出教练”。



张文淞 Wensong Zhang

Chemistry Teacher

Mr. Zhang holds a Master's degree in Chemistry from Zhejiang University. He was awarded the UKChO "Outstanding Coach" in the UK Chemistry Olympiad (students won global gold medals in consecutive years), the CCO (Advanced) "Outstanding Coach" in the Canadian Chemistry Olympiad, Cambridge Chemistry Challenge C3L6 "Outstanding Coach", and Austrilian Science Olympiad, ASOC "Distinguished Coach in Chemistry".

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, riding bicycle and marathon

Education motto: Student centred and learning without boundaries.




To be continued...

Dingwen teachers not only bring rich academic backgrounds and diverse educational concepts, but also shape a vibrant, open and inclusive learning environment with their enthusiasm for all children.

More teachers' profile to come, stay tuned...


School Open Day



时间:2024年7月27日 9:00-12:30




What to Expect

Experiential Lessons & School Introductions

Campus Tour & Admission Assessments

Time: July 27, 2024 9:00-12:30

Venue: Dingwen Academy Hangzhou,

No.1 Xiushui Street, Qiantang District, Hangzhou

This open day is primarily for G1-G10 applicants

Click here to register for the event


上一篇:燃学流夏 水润光年 | 7月13日 鼎文校园开放日“清凉”来袭!
