



In the last sharing, we have seen the unique personalities of Dingwen's academic team. Dingwen teachers who work hard and passionate about education are dedicated to using their wisdom and great efforts to inspire students who are eager to learn.

In this episode 2 of "Dingwen teachers", we will continue to guide you to explore the faculty of Dingwen Academy Hangzhou. Outstanding teachers from all over the world not only have excellent academic backgrounds, but also bring in international perspectives and rich teaching experience. They come from different cultural backgrounds, but share a common goal - to train globally competitive future talents. Now, let's take a closer look at these teachers' stories and teaching philosophy, so that you are able to feel their love and dedication to the cause of education!



石龑 Zak Shi






Teacher’ bio

石龑 Zak Shi

Art and Sports Director

CCA Coordinator

Mr. Zak Shi graduated from Beijing Sport University, the top sports university in China, where he won multiple national Wushu championships and became a National First-Class Referee. He is a National Master Level Athlete and has performed at venues like the Beijing Olympic venues, the Great Hall of the People, Peking University, and Renmin University, gaining extensive experience in competitions and performances.After graduation, he studied at the Education University of Hong Kong, where he received the "Outstanding National Wushu Athlete Scholarship." He completed dual degrees in PE and Educational Management and Leadership, earning a Master's degree in Education. After graduating, he began teaching at a local secondary school in Hong Kong, where he oversaw ECA and the PE department. In 2015, he was named one of the "Top 10 Favorite Teachers in Hong Kong."

Hobbies and Interests:

Sports, Photography, Videography, Tourism

Education motto:

Inspire potential and pursue excellence.


James Milligan






James Milligan

Primary Teacher

“I am an educator with a background in both music and primary education. I hold a BA Hons degree in Music from the University of Hull (2016) and a PGCE (QTS) in Primary School Education (5-11) from the University of Cumbria (2021). My career began with the Leeds City Council Music Service, where I worked as a music teacher across various schools from 2015 to 2020. Most recently, I served as a Year 4 primary class teacher at the British International School in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from 2022 to 2024. At this school, teaching and learning were centred around Conceptual Based Learning, integrated with the British National Curriculum.

Hobbies and Interests:

Trumpet, Surfing, Cycling, Traveling, Jujitsu

Education motto:

Students are encouraged to be curious and open minded and are helped to develop a lifelong love of learning.


雷皓 Andy Lei






雷皓 Andy Lei

Math Teacher

Lei Hao is the cover character of "Primary School Mathematics Teachers," and a lecturer at the first Kangaroo Mathematics Asia Camp workshop. He was previously the head of the mathematics curriculum at a renowned bilingual school in Shanghai. Dedicated to expanding early-stage mathematics learning and early childhood mathematical enlightenment, he integrates more elements into mathematics to make it appear real, interesting, and useful to children. He has shared insights on the application of mathematical picture books in the classroom at the New Classic Forum with teachers from across the country in 2015 and 2017. He has published numerous papers and case studies on mathematical picture books in various core journals.

Hobbies and Interests:


Education motto:

Everything has its season; let it be as it may.


周艳阳 Iris Zhou




育人理念: 与学生教学相长


周艳阳 Iris Zhou

English Teacher

Master's Degree: Graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong with a major in Education. Bachelor's Degree: Graduated from Shanghai University, majoring in English. During my undergraduate studies, I received the Shanghai Government's Scholarship and studied in the United States as an exchange student.After graduation, I returned to Hangzhou and have been working in international schools in Hangzhou. I am familiar with the A-Level curriculum system and have nearly 10 years of experience teaching English courses in international schools and guiding university applications.

Hobbies and Interests:

Reading, Family Education

Education motto:

Teachers should learn and grow with students.


杨文斌 Caleb Yang


华东师范大学汉语国际教育硕士,IBDP考官,有近二十年国际中文课程的教学经验,含IB、A Level、新加坡华文等课程。曾任职于江浙沪多所国际学校,先后担任过上海某知名国际学校中文优秀作文集的创刊人及主编、研学活动领队、中文学科主任等,曾获全球华人中学生阅读征文大赛优秀指导奖、优秀教育工作者、青年教师教学大奖赛一等奖等荣誉证书。




杨文斌 Caleb Yang

Chinese Teacher

Master of international Chinese language education in East China Normal University, IBDP examiner, having nearly two decades of teaching experience for international Chinese language curriculum, including IB, A Level, Singapore Chinese curriculum. He has worked in several international schools in Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu successively, and assumed as a founder and chief editor of outstanding Chinese composition collection in a well-known international school in Shanghai, field trip team leader, head of Chinese department, etc.

Hobbies and Interests:

Reading, Traveling, Music, Cooking, etc.

Education motto:

Build dreams and lead through student-oriented education.


Andy Chau






Andy Chau

Primary Teacher

Graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University, majoring in business communications, and a diploma in computer technology. Aside from having a TEFL, a CELTA, and a teacher’s certificate, I have worked for over 17 years combined, in countries like South Korea, Taiwan, Canada, and various cities in Guangdong, China.I have taught students ranging from primary school students to university students. Teaching and inspiring students to learn a new language is fun and important. Seeing the students gradually develop their English skills can be challenging but very rewarding in the end.

Hobbies and Interests:

Swimming, Scuba Diving, Basketball

Education motto:

I believe education is the foundation of a bright future, that is why I want to dedicate myself towards inspiring all curious learners.


吴刚 Chumsy Wu




育人理念: 不积跬步无以至千里,不积小流无以成江海


吴刚 Chumsy Wu

Humanities Teacher

Graduated from Tianjin Normal University, China with a master's degree in World History, regional and national history, and his research field is the colonization movement of Western Europe in the High Middle Ages. He has published papers in national journals such as Historical Studies of the Anti-Japanese War, and has many years of teaching experience in the integration of humanities and social sciences. He has taught in a number of well-known bilingual schools in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and has led students to achieve excellent results, which is loved by students and parents.

Hobbies and Interests:

Cooking, Music, Movie.

Education motto:

No steps, no miles. Without streams, there is no river.


胡全成 Hunter Hu


硕士毕业于英国利兹大学,专业为教育学,研究领域为中国全纳教育。曾在《美国教育评论》、《人文、艺术和社会科学杂志》发表论文。近10年教学经验,熟悉小学至初中新课标背景下的科学双语融合课程。课堂教学之外,积极带领学生参加科学类竞赛,取得优异成绩并获得优秀指导教师,包括美国科学测评,国际科学竞答, 未来之城,加拿大初级化学奥林匹克, 剑桥化学挑战赛等。做为一名终身学习者,积极在教学中使用前沿科技,并关注STEAM课程开发。


育人理念: 尊重学生的课堂需求,每个学生都可以成为科学家。


胡全成 Hunter Hu

Science Teacher

Mr Hunter obtained his master's degree in Education from the University of Leeds, specializing in Chinese inclusive education.He has published papers in The Educational Review, USA and the Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. He has nearly ten years of teaching experience and is familiar with bilingual science curricula from elementary to middle school. Beyond classroom teaching, he actively leads students in various science competitions, achieving excellent results and earning outstanding instructor awards. These competitions include the NSL, Science Bee, Future City, JCCO, and C3L6. As a lifelong learner, he actively incorporates new technology in my teaching and focuses on the development of the STEAM curriculum.

Hobbies and Interests:

Riding, Traveling, Cooking.

Education motto:

Respect the educational needs of students in the classroom,every student can become a scientist.


袁月 Mandy Yuan


硕士毕业于美国圣塔克拉拉大学,拥有中美两国教师资格证。曾在美国硅谷公立小学、中国台湾地区任教,有丰富的国际视野和世界眼光。2017年回国后来到杭州,作为创校员工加入当地一所知名国际学校, 担任数学年级备课组长并负责学校融合课程的开发与实施。曾执教全国公开课并被“好课燎原”平台永久收录,开设“形成性评估”和“PBL”项目学习工作坊,善于将前沿教学理论和教学实践相结合, 在双语数学和跨学科探究领域,精耕细作。




袁月 Mandy Yuan

Math Teacher

Yuan Yue, a primary school bilingual math teacher, holds both a Bachelor's and a Master's degree from the United States, including a Master's from Santa Clara University. Mrs. Yuan is certified to teach in both China and the US. She has taught at a public elementary school in Silicon Valley. In 2017, she joined an international school established by Alibaba as a founding teacher. She has served as the math grade team leader and led the transdisciplinary team in the design and implementation of the transdisciplinary curriculum.

Hobbies and Interests:

Swimming, Free Diving, Food, Gardening

Education motto:

Teaching is a work of heart.


施咏琪 Kiki Shi






施咏琪 Kiki Shi

Sports Teaching Assistant

I graduated from Zhejiang University, majoring in martial arts and traditional national sports. I hold the national second-level athlete certificate, the Martial Arts four-stage certificate, and the National dance 10-level certificate. I have 15 years of sports career and competition experience, have teaching experience in sports teams and schools, and has participated in and planned large-scale school performances for many times. In teaching, I am committed to creating a positive, challenging and fun learning environment, and stimulate students' love and participation in sports through a variety of teaching methods.

Hobbies and Interests:

Dancing, Climbing Mountains, Playing Drums

Education motto:

Future oriented education.


柳烨 Sylvia Liu




育人理念: 教育的艺术不在于传授,而在鼓舞和唤醒。


柳烨 Sylvia Liu

Music Teaching Assistant

I graduated from UCL majored in music education for my master degree and got bachelor degree in Zhejiang Normal University and Emporia State University which double degree in music education. Since learning music education, I combined theory with practice. With several years teaching experience both for primary school students and middle school students. I also responsible for the Art Festival several times, with wealth experience with choir and dance team. In teaching, I'm good at combining the characteristics of students of different age groups and teaching them according to their abilities. On the basis of being fully familiar with the national art curriculum standards, I research a variety of teaching systems and methods, so as to diversify my teaching on the basis of the national curriculum standards and the integration of excellent teaching methods from all of the world.

Hobbies and Interests:

Baking, Traveling, Photograph

Education motto:

The charming of education is to isprie and awaken rather than impart knowledge.


杨迎春 Angel Yang


硕士毕业于华东师范大学。有二十多年的教育教学经验,曾任九年一贯制学校执行校长。熟悉国内课程和IB课程体系,曾在上海知名双语学校任职。多次受邀在“外滩教育” “湛庐出版社”“蓝橡树”等直播平台分享教育教学经验。持有IB教育者证书、正面管教学校讲师证书、儿童哲学讲师证书、哈佛大学教育学院学校领导与管理证书等专业证书,曾独立出版译著《轻松搞定家庭作业》,参与出版译著《比较教育学》。




杨迎春 Angel Yang

Chinese Head of Primary

Ms Yang is graduated from East China Normal University with a master's degree. With more than twenty years of teaching experience, She is an expert of the domestic curriculum and IB. Before joining Dingwen, she used to be the executive principal of a K-9 school and has worked in a well-known bilingual school in Shanghai. She has independently published the translation book "Taking the Stress Out of Homework" and participated in the publication of the translation book "The Pedagogy of Comparative Education".

Hobbies and Interests:

Reading, Drama directing, Traveling, Writing book reviews

Education motto:

Devotion to children with no reservation.


Yew Yi


毕业于南洋理工大学国立教育学院和伦敦大学学院,在国际教育行业有超过20年的经验,曾领导多所IB和剑桥国际学校。他精通IB课程(PYP, MYP和DP),并对新加坡课程,剑桥课程,培生爱德思IGCSE和a - level课程有广泛的了解。他曾成功地领导他的学校通过了IB项目的授权和评估,展示了他在管理学校组织变革方面的强大专业知识。他对学生的全面发展充满热情,同时保持高水平的学术严谨,在PYP和IPC等跨学科探究课程方面的经验对建设一个全面的教育环境至关重要。




Yew Yi

International Head of

Primary and Secondary

Graduated from the National Institute of Education at Nanyang Technological University and University College London, with over 20 years of experience in the international education industry, having led multiple IB and Cambridge International Schools. He is proficient in IB courses (PYP, MYP, and DP) and has extensive knowledge of Singapore courses, Cambridge courses, Pearson Edexcel IGCSE, and A-level courses. He successfully led his school through the authorization and evaluation of the IB program, demonstrating his strong expertise in managing organizational change in the school. His experience in interdisciplinary inquiry courses such as PYP and IPC is crucial for building a comprehensive educational environment.

Hobbies and Interests:

Hiking, Cycling, Singing

Education motto:

Children possess greater abilities than many adults realize.




To be continued...

From the personalized instruction of “teaching according to the student's ability” to the practical teaching of “learning to use” to the cultivation of innovative thinking by stimulating potential, each teacher is interpreting the art of education in his or her own way. Their educational philosophy is a vivid reflection of Dingwen's vision of education. Stay tuned for more articles to come and witness more of Dingwen's international academic team!


School Open Day



时间:2024年7月27日 9:00-12:00





What to Expect

Experiential Lessons & School Introductions

Campus Tour & Admission Assessments

Time: July 27, 2024 9:00-12:00

Venue: Dingwen Academy Hangzhou,

No.1 Xiushui Street, Qiantang District, Hangzhou

This open day is primarily for G1-G10 applicants

Click here to register for the event.


